Adding HTML id attributes to Visual Composer rows in the X Theme

I’ve been providing coding assistance for the web team over at CodeTN. For their initial launch, they’ve built out a one page scrolling website which also has a couple additional pages. Here’s a look at their one-pager along with its accompanying main menu from the WordPress admin:

The main menu for

The main menu for

This setup is pretty typical, but on sub-pages the main menu’s links weren’t working. Instead of sending you back to the home page, the links were scrolling to positions on the sub-page. This is due to how the main menu’s JavaScript code references on-page HTML ids. The same ids used on the home page are also in place on the sub-pages. To fix this issue, we needed to be able to specify the HTML id attribute for Visual Composer rows.

To make this happen, I used the X Theme Child provided by as my starter. Then I added the following code to functions.php to add an HTML ID field on the backend:

The above code yields this:

Our code adds an option for specifying the row's HTML id.

Our code adds an option for specifying the row’s HTML id.

The final step required copying over vc_templates/vc_row.php from the parent theme and making the necessary edits for the template to use the HTML id we specify in the row above. Once we did all these, we could go back into the main menu and point to our unique ids found on the home page rather than the default ids that the theme repeats on every page where we use Visual Composer rows.

See all of the above in place on the X Theme Child theme I have on GitHub.

In coming up with the above solution, these two posts got me started:

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  1. Thanks for this. But its not working.
    Adding the code to Function.php is breaking the site.

    Any update?

    • @Nicoloas – if you post the error the code generates, I may be able to help you troubleshoot it.

  2. // Add language dropdown to visual composer settings
    if (function_exists(‘vc_add_param’)) {
    vc_add_param(‘vc_row’, array(
    ‘type’ => ‘dropdown’,
    ‘heading’ => “Language”,
    ‘param_name’ => ‘language’,
    ‘value’ => array(“English”, “Russian”),
    ‘description’ => __(“Select Language”, “discprofile”),
    ‘weight’ => 1, // default 0 (unsorted, appened to bottom, 1- append to top)

    $settings = array(
    ‘html_template’ => locate_template(‘vc_templates/vc_row.php’)

    // Remap shortcode with custom template
    $new_map = vc_map_update(‘vc_row’, $settings);

    // Remove default vc_row

    // Remap shortcode with custom template
    vc_map( $new_map[‘vc_row’] );

    This is the code I’m using, but I get the following error:
    Wrong vc_map object. Base attribute is required

    Any ideas?

  3. @mwender
    Just checking in if you’d had a chance to check out my last comment?

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