Author: @mwenderPage 21 of 42

Freelancing since 2001. I ♥ #WordPress, #PHP, #CLI, #Mac, #writing, and a lot of other things.

Computer Show

Computer Show is computer-focused television show from 1983 interviewing the real people behind some of the most popular websites in 2015. The combination certifies it as #internetgold.

Links of Interest – IBM goes Mac, Chrome Devtools Tips, and WordPress Stuff

I’ve had my head down lately as I’ve closed on several long running projects. Now that I have some breathing room, I thought I’d share another round of…

OpsDash – Server Monitoring Done Right

OpsDash looks like it will fit in nicely with my web hosting workflow. OpsDash is a self-hosted server monitoring, dashboarding and alerting solution. It is cluster-aware and can…

Sandstorm – open source server platform

Sandstorm makes managing your own server as simple as setting up your smartphone. Setting up your own installs of popular open source apps is as simple as browsing…

Skarp – laser powered shaving

Consider the following about me: 1) I prefer a clean share to stubble or a beard, 2) I hate shaving, and 3) I love innovative solutions for getting a…

Best Stock Photography Tools by Product Hunt

Nice Product Hunt Collection of Stock Photography resources.  

How to Turn iOS 9’s Keyboard Back to All Caps

John Gruber shares how to keep your iOS 9 keyboard *always* displaying All Caps. *Thank you Mr. Gruber.* iOS 9’s keyboard has a big change: the alphabetic key…

Detox For Facebook

Detox for Facebook is a handy extension available for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Once installed, it replaces your Facebook feed with design/development related feeds. It has settings for…

restpack – RESTful utilities as a service

Restpack’s collection of RESTful utilities could be a big help on your next coding project. They provide a growing collection of microservices ready for easy inclusion in your…

@mwender on Apple News

Back in June I mentioned I had signed up this site to be an Apple News publisher. With yesterday’s release of iOS 9, one of the first things…

Twenty Links: a Delicious-inspired child theme for WordPress

Do you miss the old Do you want a place to keep your links? Check out this WordPress theme: Twenty Links Twenty Links is a child theme…

Yoink – Simplify drag and drop on your Mac

Yoink provides your Mac with a place where you can temporarily drop your drag-and-drop items. It looks to be a nice boost to your productivity. Check out the…

GMass – a beautiful mass email and mail merge tool for Gmail

If you send emails to groups of people using Gmail, you owe it to yourself to visit the GMass website. Once you understand what their product does, I…

Autocomplete Git Commands and Branch Names in Bash

I’m adding this one to my dotfiles: Autocomplete Git Commands and Branch Names in Bash In bash in Mac OS X, you can use [TAB] to autocomplete file…

Did Boomsday trigger our smoke alarms?

Last night around 10:15(?) or so, *all* the smoke alarms in our house went off. My wife and I immediately went into “fire drill mode”. We rushed to…

My Favorite Podcasts

This past week I was twice asked, “What’s on your podcatcher?” Now I’m answering that question by giving a rundown of my “Favorites” list in my Overcast app: 99% Invisible Roman…

Share private information with others that self-destructs after first viewing. –

Next time you need to send someone something like an account login or a password, lets you do this in a secure fashion. Paste your data into…

thingCHARGER – Shipping soon?

How many of you chipped in to thingCHARGER’s Indiegogo or pre-ordered one via their Facebook promotion? I know I did, and a quick search of my email shows…

Knoxville Marriage Initiative Website

Today I’m proud to announce the launch of the Knoxville Marriage Initiative (KMI) website. The Knoxville Marriage Initiative is a partnership of community organizations and churches in the…