Author: @mwenderPage 36 of 41

Freelancing since 2001. I ♥ #WordPress, #PHP, #CLI, #Mac, #writing, and a lot of other things.

Christmas Favorite: A Charlie Brown Christmas

“A Charlie Brown Christmas” album makes my playlist every December.

BLOKK font

Your client’s have trouble with all that Latin in your mockups? Try BLOKK font. BLOKK is a font for quick mock-ups and wireframing for clients who do not…

icdiff: side-by-side highlighted command line diffs

Nice command line tool for showing differences between files: icdiff:  

Instant Butler – The fastest way to navigate WordPress

Instant Butler – a power tool for #WordPress power users. Instant Butler for WordPress is a lightweight administration plugin that makes it a lot easier and faster to…

Javascript Cheat Sheet

Here’s a nice JavaScript Cheat Sheet:

Using Chassis for WordPress Development

There are several reasons why someone would choose to use Chassis for WordPress development. Firstly, Chassis is lightweight. In contrast, VVV is rather heavy as it comes with…


Develop native Mac apps with HTML/JS/CSS: MacGap MacGap provides HTML/JS/CSS developers an Xcode project for developing native OS X Apps. These Apps run in OS X’s WebView and…

Google Can Now Tell Youre Not a Robot With Just One Click | WIRED

On Wednesday, Google announced that many of its “Captchas”—the squiggled text tests designed to weed out automated spambots—will be reduced to nothing more than a single checkbox next…