I’ve been a full-time freelance web developer since 2001. This site is a place where I do my digital scrapbooking. You can expect to find a hodgepodge of content that I collect from my daily travels on the web.
I’ve always loved using placehold.it for quickly grabbing placeholders for insertion into my designs. Now there’s {placebear} for inserting bear-themed placeholders in your work. Giving credit where credit…
App Press is an application for building your own apps. Its Photoshop-like interface lets you focus on your app’s design first, adding complexity as you go. Plus, their team is available…
Pivot + Variant by Medium Rare is a combination HTML Template plus HTML page builder available on Themeforest. I tried out their in-browser page builder demo, and I…
I was familiar with the story of the Winchester Mystery House before I listened to this week’s 99% Invisible podcast. As I listened, I was thinking it was simply…
Ghost, the upstart, Node.js powered, streamlined blogging platform, is now 2 years old if you’re counting from the launch of their Kickstarter. To celebrate, they’ve published a post…
As web technologies evolve, so does hosting. If you know your way around the CLI, Divshot looks to be a great hosting solution for modern web apps. Static…
Typ.io – find out what fonts designers are using on beautiful websites. We’re revealing designers’ decisions for all to see; peeking under the hood of beautiful websites to…
As you may or may not have heard, the Google Mobilegeddon happened on Tuesday, April 21, 2015. On that date, Google adjusted their mobile search algorithm to favor…
I first learned of Crystal via this WIRED post. Crystal is a service which analyzes publicly available data about your contacts, matches your contacts to one of 64 different…
Season 2 of the StartUp podcast landed today. This season follows the ups and downs of the founders of Dating Ring as they try to build their match-making…