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Instant Butler – a power tool for #WordPress power users. Instant Butler for WordPress is a lightweight administration plugin that makes it a lot easier and faster to…
Here’s a nice JavaScript Cheat Sheet:
There are several reasons why someone would choose to use Chassis for WordPress development. Firstly, Chassis is lightweight. In contrast, VVV is rather heavy as it comes with…
Develop native Mac apps with HTML/JS/CSS: MacGap MacGap provides HTML/JS/CSS developers an Xcode project for developing native OS X Apps. These Apps run in OS X’s WebView and…
On Wednesday, Google announced that many of its “Captchas”—the squiggled text tests designed to weed out automated spambots—will be reduced to nothing more than a single checkbox next…
I’ve always appreciated our UPS drivers. This time of year, I’ve often secretly relished being a seasonal UPS Wing Man. I like the idea of having my route,…
The Tower of David is an imposing monolith that looms 45 stories over downtown Caracas, Venezuela. The luxurious skyscraper, erected in 1990, was later abandoned to the locals…
This holiday season, we’re inviting girls from across the country to experience the beauty of code by lighting up a tree in the nation’s capital. via Made with Code_Google
Write code? Don’t use version control? Great resource for learning #git: GIT IMMERSION IS A GUIDED TOUR THAT WALKS THROUGH THE FUNDAMENTALS OF GIT, INSPIRED BY THE…
Take your static designs, wireframes or mockups to the next level. At you will find everything you need to create beautiful fully interactive, animated prototypes that tell…
Junior – A front-end framework for building HTML5 mobile apps with a native look and feel.
From our friends at Facebook: Gyroscope.