Tag: development
I’m adding this one to my dotfiles: Autocomplete Git Commands and Branch Names in Bash In bash in Mac OS X, you can use [TAB] to autocomplete file…
Atlantic.net offers VPS hosting. They interest me because they offer a low-end VPS for $0.99/month. You read that right, ninety-nine cents per month. The specs on it (256MB…
A collection of thoughtfully crafted front-end components focused on simple implementation and easy customization. Because you already know how to style an H1. ~ Formstone
Lovely collection of Dialog Effects: tympanus.net/Development/DialogEffects #webdev #css
Several #WordPress functions in this list I hadn’t come across: 10 Useful WordPress Functions You Might Not Know About.
This repo contains my personal dotfiles and are heavily based on paul and mathias‘s. ~addyosmani
Zsh has seen wide adoption by developers looking to improve their interactive shell experience. I’m rather late to this party, but I’d like you to join too. I…