Tag: development

Raycast AI Extension

This is a bit stream-of-conciousness, just want to share some cool things… Firstly, I’ve started using Raycast this year. It gives your MacOS Spotlight bar super powers. For…

Repomix – Pack your codebase into AI-friendly formats

Next time I’m using AI with one of my existing repos, I’m running it through Repomix.

Flying a Drone with React and Node.js

One of my favorite developer/communicators, Wes Bos, has put together a two-part video series where he shows how he built a Node.js backend and a React frontend to…

Autocomplete Git Commands and Branch Names in Bash

I’m adding this one to my dotfiles: Autocomplete Git Commands and Branch Names in Bash In bash in Mac OS X, you can use [TAB] to autocomplete file…


StackShare is a site for learning about the technologies that power all your favorite sites on the web. For example, via StackShare, I learned that the following comprises…

Adding HTML id attributes to Visual Composer rows in the X Theme

I’ve been providing coding assistance for the web team over at CodeTN. For their initial launch, they’ve built out a one page scrolling website which also has a…

Cloud 9 – Cloud Development Environment

This week I was talking to an educator who needed to provide a development environment for her students. One of her major obstacles was finding a solution which…

VPS Hosting and HIPAA Hosting by Atlantic.Net

Atlantic.net offers VPS hosting. They interest me because they offer a low-end VPS for $0.99/month. You read that right, ninety-nine cents per month. The specs on it (256MB…

Formstone – thoughtfully crafted front-end components

A collection of thoughtfully crafted front-end components focused on simple implementation and easy customization. Because you already know how to style an H1. ~ Formstone

Dialog Effects

Lovely collection of Dialog Effects: tympanus.net/Development/DialogEffects #webdev #css

10 Useful WordPress Functions You Might Not Know About

Several #WordPress functions in this list I hadn’t come across: 10 Useful WordPress Functions You Might Not Know About.

Github: addyosmani/dotfiles

This repo contains my personal dotfiles and are heavily based on paul and mathias‘s. ~addyosmani

My favourite Zsh features

Zsh has seen wide adoption by developers looking to improve their interactive shell experience. I’m rather late to this party, but I’d like you to join too. I…