Tag: coolPage 7 of 8
I have recut Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy into a single 4-hour film | The Hobbit: The Tolkien Edit
I started watching the first of The Hobbit trilogy last weekend. Given I was distracted by a couple other things; however, it didn’t hold my interest. Since it…
Elon Musk participated in a Reddit IAmA this past Tuesday: I am Elon Musk, CEO/CTO of a rocket company, AMA! : IAmA.
Check out this #javascript implementation of the Apollo Guidance Computer http://www.svtsim.com/moonjs/agc.html
This little guy from the new Star Wars trailer is not #CGI: “They never cease to amaze me with what they’re able to come up with, you know?…
Satellite Eyes is a simple #Mac app that automatically changes your desktop wallpaper to the satellite view of where you are, right now. ~ Satellite Eyes.
I don’t even use a K-Cup brewer for coffee, but I thought this hack with its accompanying soundtrack was fabulous: Keurig 2.0 Hack – How to use any…
I’ve always appreciated our UPS drivers. This time of year, I’ve often secretly relished being a seasonal UPS Wing Man. I like the idea of having my route,…
The Tower of David is an imposing monolith that looms 45 stories over downtown Caracas, Venezuela. The luxurious skyscraper, erected in 1990, was later abandoned to the locals…
For many decades, a fantasy among space enthusiasts has been to invent a device that produces a net thrust in one direction, without any need for reaction mass….