Tag: social media
NYTimes piece on the Visual Supply Company (VSCO). You may have seen or use their app on iOS and Android. “Instagram is more about that instant gratification, ‘Who…
Don’t think I’ll be pulling any of these stunts any time soon, but here’s a fun list of The Creepiest Things You Can Do on Facebook.
Hacking The Tweet Stream…with pictures of text ~ @mgsiegler: medium.com/five-hundred-words/hacking-the-tweet-stream-52ed63a0731 I’ve enjoyed watching the evolution of Twitter as its users hack its simple interface to add extra functionality,…
From our friends at Facebook: Gyroscope.
The Re/code blog has decided to drop comments in favor of discussions happening elsewhere: The biggest change for some of you, however, will be that we have decided…
I’m mulling this one over: How to Transfer/Merge Your Google+ Accounts -Hongkiat.com.
“If you have to choose between adding a subscriber to your email list or gaining a new Facebook fan, go for email every time.” via Fast Company.