Tag: webdevPage 3 of 5

Recent Work – Consumer ASICs Pages

My posts here have been in short supply due to a heavy workload in recent weeks. One project I’ve been working on is a set of pages promoting…

What Goes Where: Making Sense of Meteor’s Client/Server Split – Discover Meteor

Sacha Greif helps us understand Meteor’s Client/Server split. One of Meteor’s biggest selling point[s] is the way it blurs the line between client and server. With Meteor, these…

Sitecake – a flat-file CMS

Sitecake is a flat-file CMS for building HTML websites. I’ve tried out their demo, and it may be just the solution I’m looking for with regards to a…


StackShare is a site for learning about the technologies that power all your favorite sites on the web. For example, via StackShare, I learned that the following comprises…

wwwhere – tools and resources for #webdev

wwwhere.io appears to be a goldmine of links to #webdev design resources. Their link categories include Architecture, Blogs and News, Coding, Inspiration, UX, and more. wwwhere is a…

#devnotes – WordPress Shortcodes GUI, IT work

WordPress Shortcodes are a quick and easy way for me to extend the capabilities of the WordPress editor for my clients. All I have to do is write…

Better Error Pages

Here’s a tool for building nice looking 404 and 500-level error pages for your site: Better Error Pages. Build free 404, 500-level, and maintenance pages in 60 seconds….


IntroBar is a nice little web service that lets you build content bars that appear at the top of your site depending on your visitor’s referrer (i.e. the…

VersionPress 1.0 Walkthrough – VersionPress Blog

Borek Bernard wrote a post today that gives a thorough overview of how VersionPress works. If you haven’t heard, VersionPress is a WordPress plugin that provides full version…

StackHive – Quick Responsive Development In The Browser

We keep seeing more and more of these frontend development tools. StackHive looks to be a nice one. Quick Responsive Front-End Development In The Browser.StackHive is the most…

Divshot – Static Web Hosting for Developers and Designers

As web technologies evolve, so does hosting. If you know your way around the CLI, Divshot looks to be a great hosting solution for modern web apps. Static…

Last.Backend – Visual Docker Containers Orchestration platform

Last.Backend looks to be a docker deployment tool with the following features: Works with any cloud service Drag-and-drop interface for visually configuring your server build and deployment Deploy from…

Pinegrow Web Editor | Website Builder for Professionals

Pinegrow Web Editor now supports exporting your static HTML sites as WordPress themes. Pinegrow Web Editor is a desktop HTML editor with support for Bootstrap, Foundation and other…

How to write a WordPress plugin – Francis Yaconiello – Application Programmer

This is one of my favorite resources for writing a WordPress plugin. In his post, Francis Yaconiello, provides a great overview of how to setup a plugin in a…

Revisr – Git Management for WordPress

Revisr is a Git-based version control solution for WordPress. Revisr is a Git and WordPress database plugin that allows you to keep track of your web projects in…

SSLMate – Buy SSL certs from the command line

Buy SSL certs from the command line. SSLMate is the easiest way for developers and sysadmins to buy SSL certificates. ~ SSLMate

Talking #webdev at The King’s Academy Career Day

I spent yesterday morning, from 8:40 – 12:30, speaking to The King’s Academy high school students about my career as a web developer. It was a total of nine…