Author: @mwenderPage 10 of 42

Freelancing since 2001. I ♥ #WordPress, #PHP, #CLI, #Mac, #writing, and a lot of other things.

Such a productive morning. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you don’t check email until after 11:30.

Tonight during bath time, our 6 year old gave the following hair washing advice to her 3 year old sister: Just swish it around like there’s a wild…

Two great sights from a little star gazing I did this evening: The International Space Station passed over my head just after 10:30pm. It slowly started reflecting enough…

Some quick notes from this week in the office: One client threw me a slight curveball when he emailed saying he was demoing the React app I’d been…

Currently racing against the clock. Will I make it in time?

@stuboo given our shared affinity for the “good ‘ole days” of Twitter, I wonder what you’d think of Cheers old friend.

Although I’ve used this script for years, it has taken a while for me to get it released for anyone to use. Check out SSHman – a #cli…

Just fabulous: Marcelo Vieira’s 8 yr old son practicing headers with his dad’s team, Real Madrid

Today has been like: ✅, ✅, ✅ as I work my way through my queue. So nice. I feel so productive.

SSHman – #cli SSH Manager

👋 02/20/2025 (15:40) – UpdateI’ve replaced SSHman with SSHconn (SSH Connections). It has several improvements over the script below, one of them being the fact that it’s a…

Closed out the workday cleaning my office. There’s no telling what I’ll accomplish tomorrow. ?

This brings back fond memories. (Nap time hijinks courtesy of my daughter.)

Tip: Having your code under source control (i.e. #git, #svn, etc) makes it so much easier to get back to speed on a project if you’ve been away…

500 days in a row

500 days in a row. #AppleWatch

Today I re-instituted one of my time-honored traditions: The midday run. Now back in the office, I estimate I’ll be back to normal operating temps by 5pm. It…

Oh the fun of climbing a tree.

Upon further reflection I’m with @gruber on this one. That Google Duplex demo seemed a little canned to me. I look forward to seeing/hearing it live someday. Daring…

It would be very easy to play this game and look like you’re working. ? warriorjs

I spent this morning figuring out how to use PHIVE  to securely distribute my #cli tool sshman (i.e. SSH manager). Use it to manage multiple SSH server connections via…

Wow, Google Duplex is so next level. Have you heard any of the demos? This conversational AI assistant sounds so real. Amazing.