Author: @mwenderPage 12 of 42
Freelancing since 2001. I ♥ #WordPress, #PHP, #CLI, #Mac, #writing, and a lot of other things.
Q1 2018 has been particularly busy for me. I’ve learned #ReactJS, taken on several new clients, and written a couple new #WordPress plugins. Meanwhile, my own publishing output…
It seems I write this type of post every couple of years or so. Here I am setting up another website to scratch a particular itch. This time…
Whenever I’m coding in #React, I find the more screens the better.
It was another great start to the #KnoxvilleMarathon2018 weekend as we ran in the Kids Fun Run.
We let our 3rd grader and kindergartener into our #MarchMadness pool this year. They are sooo into it! Love it!
I’m not sure what my daughter was going for here, but it sorta spooks me out. Maybe a ninja, ghost-type thingy perhaps?
In recent weeks I’ve discovered TypeRocket. It’s a WordPress coding framework that makes it easy to extend WordPress themes and plugins with your own custom UX, custom fields,…
Stories like this one are some of my favorites on the web. Scott Tilley has found a NASA satellite that’s been “lost in space” since December 18, 2005….
Yesterday I closed all three Activity Rings on my Apple Watch for the 365th time in 2017. That made for a perfect year of achieving my daily fitness…
Here’s a look at my Apple Watch 2017 Perfect Year. Every circle, every day for 2017. #AppleWatch
Remember these? Pair this with an iPod and you’ve got a complete run tracking setup. #AntiqueTech
Let’s see: Christmas tree + a funky filter = art, eh?! Oh well, I like it. ? Merry Christmas!
These little guys are ultrasonic receiver ICs. One possible application for them is tracking physical objects in VR.
Homemade Thin Mints with Ghiradelli chocolate? Yes. Yes, we totally went there.