Author: @mwenderPage 6 of 42
Freelancing since 2001. I ♥ #WordPress, #PHP, #CLI, #Mac, #writing, and a lot of other things.
Come for the #webdev links, stay for the video at the end. ? Links of Interest, Issue 24 – @mwender
My favorite thing about being a freelance web developer is being able to talk to a client, help him/her define his/her specs, and then I’m able to go…
Today I figured out how to use #JavaScript Promises to get and validate an API token I use in my #React app to communicate with my #WordPress REST…
We were at a party last night. Our girls were downstairs playing. There were all sorts of dollhouses and things for girls. However, my inner ten year old…
Whenever I’m authenticating via #FaceID, I find I smile and try to “look my best”. You ever catch yourself doing the same?
30 years ago this week: The 2nd Space Shuttle mission after Challenger was “Top Secret”, and it came within a hair’s breath of being a total loss of…
The next step for #WordPress #Gutenberg Gutenberg Phase 2 – Make WordPress Core
Love this sweet demo by @WesBos – Flying a Drone with React and Node.js
Now available: #WordPress 5.0 with the new Gutenberg editor. A couple of my quick thoughts on this milestone release.
Streakin’ #AppleWatch
While driving to work this morning, I saw five big, red dump trucks moving along in a stately formation. It made the eight year old boy in me…
This morning marked my return to the gym after almost a month hiatus. So nice to be back after having the crud for two solid weeks.
A couple of smaller projects have made for some satisfying workdays the last couple of days: Quick Hitters #devnotes – @mwender