I posted a link this morning. It’s the first thing I’ve published on here since the last week of February. Gee, I wonder what happened? I’ll give you three guesses, but I’m cancelling the first two. So that leaves you with only one.

I’ve never been one to blog with clockwork precision, but I do like to drop a post every now and then. Much as my writing here took a hit from the pandemic, I can think of other things likewise affected:

  • My DayOne journaling streak of everyday for 5+ years ended in March.
  • I haven’t made any trips to the gym (who wants to work out wearing a mask?), but I have made a point to run more often.
  • We’ve counterbalanced no vacations or trips to amusement parks with a lot more Saturdays in the mountains and biking on area greenways.
  • There’s been more time to think. Sometimes that means worry, other times that means contemplate, and still there are other times just to be thankful. I’m sure we can all relate.
  • In exchange of being a part of larger gatherings and groups, we’ve had some very special times together as a family.

There are many more things I can add to this list.

Anyway, there is some sense of normalcy creeping back into our family life. As I write, our kids are back in school and doing well. This summer I’ve experienced a lull in my business, the pandemic has affected all corners of the economy. However, just the past two weeks, I’ve seen an uptick which has me very optimistic. My extended family has even weathered a fair number of COVID cases with everyone seeming to have recovered nicely*. Add to that my dad’s declining health, and it has been quite the year so far**.

Yet, here I am again finding some time to collect my thoughts and blog about it. It’s a nice feeling getting back on here. Hopefully, here’s to more posts in the coming days, weeks, and months.

*I realize that line is quite the bomb to drop as a one-liner. However, unless I get the virus, I don’t expect to share too much about it any time soon. I hope you guys are staying healthy and safe out there.

**I know you can all relate.