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Dr. Kingā€™s Letter from Birmingham Jail

On this Martin Luther King Day, I encourage you to read Dr. Kingā€™s Letter from Birmingham Jail. In it, he clearly defines the methods and motivation behind the…

A Peculiar Visit

Today, January 6, is Epiphany. Falling twelve days after Christmas, Epiphany is the day we remember the wise menā€™s visit to Jesus as recorded in Matthew 2:1-12. The…

Moving *Large* Sites from WordPress.COM to .ORG – Handling post export/import

Today I was working with a new client’s site where we’re moving him off of WordPress.COM over to a self-hosted .ORG site. He has 18,000+ posts on his…

Quick Check of the Stats, Looking forward to 2023

I ended 2022 here on a bit of a streak, posting for five consecutive days and announcing the return of this blog after a couple year hiatus. Now…

Links of Interest, Issue 29

I knew something had to be up with Barnes & Noble simply because it was still there whenever we went to Trader Joes. We even bought Christmas presents…

Fri, Dec 30, 2022 #devnotes

This week I made a “thing“. It’s an aggregator website for University of Tennessee sports news. It displays a custom feed I’ve built from sources like USA Today,…

Top Time Redeemers, 2023 Edition

Yesterday I posted a bit of a downer as I listed by Top Time Waster Apps for 2023. Today weā€™re flipping the script to bring you my Top…

microfeed: a lightweight cms hosted on cloudflare

Guys, I keep telling you maintaining your own blog is where it’s at! šŸ˜ If you’re looking for a publishing platform, microfeed looks to be a sweet solution:…

Top Time Wasters, 2023 Edition

As we head into 2023, here are my top three apps for wasting time on my phone. These are the ones that excel in providing empty moments. Add…

Christmas at Home, Thankful Iā€™m not flying SouthWest

Having just read about Southwest Airlineā€™s cancellation of 5,400 flights in less than 48 hours, Iā€™m doubly thankful for our very chill Christmas celebration this year. For the…

The Return of the Blog

Itā€™s time for a reset. Iā€™ve written this post in my head several times during the last five or seven years. Blogging is so hard considering all the other online distractions. Facebook, Twitter, TicTokā€¦theyā€™re all optimized to keep you scrolling. Blogging is different. Itā€™s so 2002.

WordPress Help, 7 Common Questions

Recently over on the Wenmark Digital blog, I shared my list of seven common questions/situations I handle on Zoom calls with my clients. These are: See the post…

BlueHost’s “Secret” DNS Editor

Today I was working on a site transfer for a client’s website, and running $ dig IN A was returning two TLD A records: The above situation… Site Refresh

Long before MacDonalds bags of cash (šŸ¤” or was it Chic-fil-a?), Schiano-Sunday, and way back into the Butch Jones era, I’ve been helping the crew at keep…

Drip-Sand Castles

From our recent trip to Hilton Head Island…this is how I like to spend my time on the beach:

HowTo: Setup Postfix + SendGrid Integration on a SpinupWP Server

I love me some SpinupWP (note: šŸ‘ˆ that’s my affiliate link šŸ™‚). Their service lets you spin up a server on various cloud services, and it takes care…

Wed, Aug 24, 2022 #devNotes

Today we had a bit of a fire drill as we took over hosting for a new client. They gave us access to their GoDaddy, I created a…

Good Reads: Perelandra

Just finished Perelandra this morning. I’ve read C.S. Lewis’s space trilogy before, but after recently reading That Hideous Strength aloud to my family, I decided to continue with…

Tue, Aug 23, 2022 #devNotes

A quick rundown of the things I’ve worked on today: Got a new Podcasts page up for Hope Redefined. Gained access and started work on modding a client’s…

Thu, Aug 18, 2022 #devNotes

I had an insane amount of meetings scheduled today. One got cancelled later in the day around the time it was supposed to start, but I still had…