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This is a great reference for learning how to use the command line. Fluency on the command line is a skill often neglected or considered arcane, but it…
CamanJS is a nice little library for manipulating your images with Javascript: CamanJS is (ca)nvas (man)ipulation in Javascript. It’s a combination of a simple-to-use interface with advanced and…
I would love to see this happen (be sure to click through to read the full article): What if instead of installing an app, we might instead allow…
Today’s Links of Interest are all about WordPress development: So You Want To Use WordPress To Make An App? At WordCamp Miami, which I attended recently, one of…
Crafting content around your brand/message/event/etc can be tough. This Tiny Content Framework is a set of tools for helping you write the words that tell your story. This…
Do you name your cars? My second car was a late eighties, navy blue Toyota Camry. It was the “The Blue Streak”. My next car was a mid-nineties silver Camry,…
“Bokeh like a boss,” says it all. Lovely “bokeh control” lens from the folks at Lomography. Check out their Kickstarter.
You know you wanna’ generate some fly ASCII text art with this: ASCII Generator Generate a ASCII graphic from a word or text. More than 130 fonts. Source:…
I have a couple of clients who primarily know me as a “coder”. I’m the guy who keeps their website running and codes new functionality for their existing…
StackShare is a site for learning about the technologies that power all your favorite sites on the web. For example, via StackShare, I learned that the following comprises…
Flock is a polished looking, free chat solution for Teams and Businesses. The primary reason why I’m interested in them is because I just found out that Flock…
I’ve been providing coding assistance for the web team over at CodeTN. For their initial launch, they’ve built out a one page scrolling website which also has a…
Meteor Club has published a nice MeteorJS Security Checklist.
Lingvist is an app for learning a new language quickly. Lingvist is the first language-learning tool to harness the potential of technology and computational science to significantly decrease…
The Hacker Shelf is a “community-curated collection of free books” with a primary focus on technical, programming topics. I’d recommend a bookmark of this one, could be handy.
Visit the Numi website and watch the demo video. I think you’ll agree it’s a cool little calculator. Numi is a calculator for Mac that magically blends calculations…
I always love a good story about how new technologies allow for disrupting the traditional ways of doing things. Such is the case with the student newspaper at Mt….
In keeping with the email theme from my posts earlier today, here’s a nice infographic about Responsive Email Design. (On my list of todo’s is to rework my…
MailPoet is another feature packed newsletter plugin for WordPress.